Many traders look to the news for help and guidance towards how to position in an FX trade. Recently, the pre-conflict rhetoric plus the eventual missile launch in the Russian-Ukraine situation tossed many FX traders through the gauntlet. Risk aversion became widespread and a safe haven currency like the US dollar benefited.
Is it necessary to follow the news to trade FX?
No, it is not necessary. Here at See The Waves we analyze the patterns in the price trends to determine the next possible trend. This analysis is completed without regard to news. In many situations, we tend to be one or two steps ahead of the trends.
Typically, we can identify where the current trend may go. At times, we can even set a target for the trend that follows the current trend (two steps ahead).
Here is an example of our weekly analysis for GBP/USD as we shared it with FX Weekly Analysis (FXWA) subscribers.

On February 3, our models indicated that GBP/USD was due for a correction, but that correction was going to be temporary and shallow. We shared:
“The higher probability move is a dip to 1.3450-1.3550.” – Feb 3 FX Weekly Analysis
Four days later, GBP/USD did dip down to 1.3490 which was right in the middle of our forecasted zone. Traders could use that information to position on the long side or alleviate short positions.
One week later, we forecasted two steps ahead on GBP/USD. When we rolled out our weekly analysis on February 9, we stated “GBPUSD likely falls to 1.3450-1.3505 in the coming days.”
We took the analysis one step further providing a potential target for the next rally BEFORE the rally started! We said:
“This would suggest a rally from 1.3450-1.3505 that reaches 1.3630-1.3685 in wave (c).”
February 9, FX Weekly Analysis Service
Six days later, Cable did find a low at 1.3486 and began to rally reaching a high of 1.3642 on February 18. However, we weren’t finished.
Just yesterday, on February 23 while GBPUSD was trading at 1.3542, we forecasted:
“…I expect 1.3486 to be broken and a chance that 1.3360 is retested. There is some symmetry appearing near 1.3448 and 1.3258-1.3284.”
Today, GBPUSD bottomed out at 1.3272, right in the middle of our target zone.
We think that is pretty good as each of these forecasts were made BEFORE the first missile was launched.
Traders could use our predictions to receive advance forecasts for :
- What side of the market to position
- How far might the trend travel
- What are the key price levels to focus on
What’s the next trend for GBP/USD?
I am anticipating a multi-hundred pip trend and possibly a 1,000 pip trend to begin soon. You can find the details, direction of the trend, and charts inside our FX Weekly Analysis portal.
You see, each week, we review GBPUSD (and 5 other FX markets) from an Elliott wave perspective.
In fact, we just published an interim out-of-schedule report for these markets. You can see if the large trends of February 24 are near the beginning or near its end.
FX Weekly Analysis (FXWA) allows experienced Elliott wave traders to use the provided wave counts to quickly identify higher probability trading opportunities.
For newer Elliott wave traders, FXWA will display Elliott wave in action so they can see EW applied to the current market environment. Traders will see trends unfold and see the Elliott wave tools correctly applied to the real market. As more price data appear, we make adjustments to our wave analysis and newer Elliott wave traders will see those adjustments applied to the current market environment.
FXWA is a great way to keep you on the right side of trends with key levels identified. This leads to greater confidence to stay in the long healthy trends.
Subscribers to the FXWA will receive:
- Weekly Elliott wave analysis by a Certified Elliott Wave Analysis expert on these markets:
- US Dollar Index (DXY)
- Examples of how to trade the wave count (when the count provides a clear pattern with a good risk to reward ratio opportunity)
- Monthly rate that does not increase
- 7-day free trial
We are currently running a promotion of 30% off $70/month. Apply coupon code 2022TRENDS at checkout to receive the $21 discount making the monthly investment only $49/month. You will need to act quickly because the discount is available for a limited time only.
How much capital do I need to trade?
Fortunately, you can trade FX with only a couple of hundred dollars. The service for FXWA is geared towards serious traders who genuinely want results and are not looking to gamble.
Over the course of a month, you will be exposed to trends that are 100+ pips strong. A trader utilizing very CONSERVATIVE amounts of leverage can see a multiple returns on their investment.
For example, a trader with $5,000 making trades of 10,000 units of currency (VERY CONSERVATIVE) would return about $100.
If you are trading with at least $2,500 of capital and are remotely considering the FXWA service, I would highly encourage you to utilize our free 7-day trial. This will allow you to test drive and see if the service is a good fit for you.
Start your free trial now
Getting started is as simple as 1-2-3.
- Set up your See The Waves Account here.
- Make sure to include coupon code 2022TRENDS
- Enter your card information
- Check the box for “allow instructional emails” (so you are alerted when new analysis is dropped to the portal)
- Access the current report and previous week’s report
- See the waves and ride the trends!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my rate ever change?
Nope. Your monthly rate will never increase and it is locked in until it is canceled.
When can I cancel?
We would not expect you to cancel as you are receiving market analysis from a charting expert at an extremely affordable rate.
If it is something we did, please let us know. If there is something we could do to improve the service for you, reach out and make your request known. We want the service to be an excellent value to you.
Let us know by reaching out to us via our “contact us” page.
With that said, sometimes life gets in the way of trading and we understand. The process to cancel is simple:
- Log into your See The Waves account
- Click on your icon in the upper right corner
- Select “Manage Subscriptions”
- Select “Cancel”
You can cancel anytime and you’ll retain access until the next billing cycle. Once the subscription is canceled, then access will be revoked at the next billing cycle.
How long is the free trial?
You have complete access to FXWA for 7 days. The free trial can be started here.
Why do you require I enter my credit card information?
First of all, we take your financial security seriously. The check-out page is secure and is managed by a third-party vendor that we use. See The Waves will never see your card information.
Also, we want to make sure you are serious about using the service. We are opening the doors for 7-days so you can see for yourself if FXWA is a good fit for you. We think you’ll fall in love with the service as you are receiving expert analysis but with the small-town care that you won’t find anywhere else.
If FXWA is not a good fit, then you can cancel before the 7-days is expired and pay nothing.
The first month’s payment is automatically withdrawn unless you cancel before the 7th day.
What if I don’t understand Elliott wave. Can I benefit from the service?
It is helpful to have a basic understanding of Elliott Wave. However, we understand that at one time, each of us was new and inexperienced at Elliott wave.
Therefore, I would recommend you bundle this service together with our online Elliott wave course called Spotting Trends and Surfing Trades.
In the course, we teach students the five basic Elliott wave patterns so you can learn to read the charts.
You’ll receive additional perks like:
- A defined Elliott wave curriculum
- 24/7 on demand video lessons (375 minutes)
- Your Elliott wave labeling work reviewed by an Elliott wave expert
- Access to our discord community
- Live monthly Elliott wave education webinars
- Access to our 2022 Quarterly Trends Report covering:
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
The investment for the FX Growth Bundle is $82/month with a 7-day trial.
The FX market does not move in straight lines, so it is important to know how Elliott wave works so you can read the wave counts correctly. Join today!